The Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign is a voluntary association, with an executive committee elected each year at our AGM. Care is taken to ensure that our committee includes representatives from each area around the airport, and that each committee member is prepared to work for the general public welfare of the whole Gatwick area.
GACC is totally law abiding, and relies on rational argument to influence government and aviation authorities.
Because we represent the whole area around Gatwick, because we are democratically elected, and because we have established a high reputation for accuracy and constructive proposals, we have strong support from local MPs and considerable influence in Westminster and Whitehall.
Map shows approximate area covered by GACC membership
2013 to 2018 - Led the campaign against a second runway.
2003 onwards - played a leading role in the AirportWatch campaign against airport expansion. Helped persuade Conservative and Lib Dem Parties to rule out new runways.
2003 - GACC campaign Say No Way Gatwick Runway influenced Government decision to rule out new runways at Gatwick (unless Heathrow runway proved impracticable).
2002 - GACC lobbying (especially our booklet ‘We Trust in the Law) persuaded the Government to drop plan for one or two new runways. But this was overturned by judicial review.
1999 - played a leading role in drawing up new legal agreement to protect the environment.
1995 - defeated Government plan for new runway north of the airport.
1985-95 - successfully pressed for new noise and track-keeping equipment, with penalties on excessive noise.
1985 - defeated Gatwick to Heathrow helicopter service.
1980 - obtained safeguards, including massive earth bunds, as a condition for construction of North Terminal. Defeated proposal for large new maintenance area.
1970 - persuaded Government to drop plans for second runway, and to go for Maplin instead.
Edolphs Copse 2003
Ifield November 2014
GACC Campaign Office
2 Glovers Gate, Glovers Road, Charlwood, Surrey. RH6 0EP
Telephone: 01293 862821
© Copyright Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign