This year's AGM was held on the 3rd June again at Stanhill Court. As we were in the middle of the Gatwick DCO hearings we felt it was useful to hold a Q&A session on the hearings and where we've got with our presentations. The session stimulated excellent debate and we included a video of presentations made at the Open Floor Hearings by some leading figures in the environmental world who spoke in support of our conerns. You can see the video (about 12mins) HERE.
Those members of the committee who were re-standing were all re-elected and the Chairman thanked all those who were standing down for their support. The Chairman particularly thanked Sarah Clayton who has stood down after a significant number of years for her efforts and wished her well with her duties as a new grandparent !
The meeting also elected and welcomed Malcolm Fillmore to the committee. Malcolm is a local councillor in West Sussex and an accountant with considerable experience in the world of aviation.
We have 9 members of our committee, elected annually at our AGM. They come from among others Charlwood, Horley, Redhill, Rusper, Betchworth, Buckland. If you would like to join our committee and are prepared to work for the environmental improvement of the whole area around Gatwick, please get in touch.
Except where shown please email info@gacc.org.uk to contact us on matters other than press or membership queries.
Map shows approximate area covered by GACC Committee Members
GACC office: 01293 862821 info@gacc.org.uk
Chairman: Peter Barclay chairman@gacc.org.uk
Glovers Gate, Glovers Road, Charlwood RH6 OEG
Tel: 01293 862 821 Mob: 0772 039 7354
Press Officer: Trish Kiy email press@gacc.org.uk
Press Enquiries: info@gacc.org.uk
Membership Secretary : membership@gacc.org.uk
Jonathan Essex – Redhill RH1
Penny Shoubridge – Russ Hill RH6
Ed Winter – Betchworth - RH3
Wayne Clark – Sidlow RH1
Malcolm Fillmore – Rusper RH12
Ianthe Cox - Buckland RH3
President – Brendon Sewill CBE. Former Adviser to Chancellor; former member of National Trust Council, and of CPRE National Executive; chairman of GACC 1990-2017. Email: sewill@btconnect.com
GACC Campaign Office
2 Glovers Gate, Glovers Road, Charlwood, Surrey. RH6 0EP
Telephone: 01293 862821
© Copyright Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign